Friday, July 18, 2014

Single Bulb Floor Lamp Replace Socket and Cord

A customer brought this patient in the other day and complained about the bulb "popping" and was worried about the safety of the lamp.

After inspecting the lamp we notice the socket has some burn marks on the interior and the plug is not polarized.

The lamp parts needed to repair this lamp are a new lamp socket interior and a new polarized lamp cord. First we start by removing the socket cap from the socket shell. Since the cord is going to be replaced, we clip the old cord from below the socket interior.

We remove the socket cap and lay the lamp on its side to push the wire new through the lamp body. Tip: Removing the socket cap from the lamp body will you get access to the wire and a small pair of clamps helps grab the wire when it has reached the top.

We put the lamp parts back on the lamp: harp base, lock washer, socket cap.

This socket cap had a knurled base so we take a pair of pliers and tighten it down. Now we are ready to wire the socket interior. The smooth wire connects to the brass screw and ribbed wire connects to the nickel screw.  The socket shell clicks back into the socket cap.

We add a bulb and plug in the lamp to test it.

Perfect. Total Cost: <$15 Total Time: <30 minutes

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