This large jug was converted into a lamp some time ago and now it needed repair. The owner tried to fix it with a literal band aid but was not successful. The cork lamp adapter had fallen apart.
The old materials need to be removed.
We sell the cork adapters and they work well for making jugs into lamps. First the adapter is checked and it will not fit in jug opening: too small. Tape is added to the cord to make it bigger and create contact with the jug opening.
Some glue is added to the top of the jug to make sure this adapter stays in place.
A weight is placed on top of the adapter for the glue to set.
This method did not work. The glue set, but there wasn't enough contact with the hole in the jug to get a good bond. Back to the drawing board: it's time to get creative. The customer wanted to use antique finished lamp parts so a 1.5 inch seating ring will cover the hole perfectly. To get a threaded rod to grab the inside of the jug, a cross bar is cut down.
The sides are rough so it is wrapped in electrical tape.
With the small clips to hold the cross bar in place, the cross bar is lowered into the jug. The threaded rod is carefully attached to the cross bar. The seating ring is placed on the rod and a nut is added to make sure the whole thing doesn't fall into the jug.
The lamp parts are added to the threaded rod in this orders: the harp base, the locking washer, and the socket cap.
The lamp cord is threaded into the socket cap and a UL knot is tied in the cord. The cord is attached to the socket interior with the ribbed cord going on the silver screw and the smooth wire on the brass screw (for polarity).
The socket shell is clipped into the socket cap. A bulb is added and the lamp is tested.
Great. This lamp only needed a harp and lamp shade and it is ready for a room. Total Cost < $25 Total Time < 30 minutes
UPDATE: Georgeanne asked for more information about the cross bar. I have cut an old bleach jug open and recreated the crossbar so you can see how it works inside the jug.
Here are the parts used in this addendum: crossbar (cut down), threaded rod, seating ring, and a nut. The only tool I need is the small clamps.
With the clamp holding the crossbar we drop the crossbar through the hole in the jug.
Now the threaded rod connects to the crossbar. TIP: Leave the clamp in place.
Now the seating ring and nut are placed on top of the threaded rod.
The clamps can be removed and the threaded rod is tightened to the crossbar.
It is best to pull the crossbar up against the jug for friction while tightening the threaded rod. You will only need about 3/8 inch of rod above the nut for the socket to attached.
A few more angles.
Thanks for the great question and I hope that explains the crossbar technique a little better.
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